Newsletter: English version

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Dear Sirs,

modern technologies are more and more often used in both economy and education process. These are tools which undoubtedly facilitate process of communication and learning. Therefore it is very important to use such modern tools also in cooperation of science and business. It will facilitate not only the already existent cooperation but also encourage initiating such cooperation. It allows companies to easily and effectively influence the curricula, thereby ensuring that higher education develops employees, which they mostly need. Therefore the team of Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy, together with partners from Italy, Portugal and Turkey has developed a software package - a set of tools to support strategic planning.

What does the software serve for...

The software is a set of tools aimed at improving cooperation between business and universities. Management and monitoring of this process is carried out in cooperation with both universities and companies. This allows more efficient, faster and measurable management of cooperation process.

What does the set of tools consist of…

In the set of tools available at the Web site you will find following bookmarks:

  • Research on the entrepreneurs’ needs
    The aim of this research is to identify the key needs and expectations of entrepreneurs regarding skills and knowledge of university graduates. Through the implementation of this research universities get the opportunity to adapt their educational offers to the expectations of different subjects of the labor market.
  • Research on the curriculum scope
    Entrepreneurs’ opinion about the curriculum scope is very important to our university. It allows a university to improve not only the curriculum but also the methods, so that they better meet the needs of different subjects of the labor market.
  • Research on the most expected forms of cooperation between universities and business
    In practice there are many forms of cooperation between science and business. However, not all are appropriate for all universities and all types of businesses. This research will help to identify the most expected and desirable forms of cooperation between business and science.

The second part of the tools prepared for universities are practical guides on:

  • the most popular forms of cooperation between science and business along with their description,
  • ready "samples" of letters starting and developing cooperation between business and science.

How can universities use the set of tools…

Because the software is based on Google Docs system, every university can place it on its Web site by submitting an e-mail request for a free access to the package in Google Docs system at: or contacting us by phone: +48 22 630 98 04.

After receiving the package of tools every university can edit the content of the questions according to its individual needs. Results of completed questionnaires can be presented in both numerical and graphical form.

Using the package of tools at university’s Web site step by step…

Attention: You must have an e-mail account on the site - Gmail and stay logged in.

If you do not have an account yet, sign up for free by clicking here.

If you already have an e-mail account on the site – Gmail, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. Select the tools you need by clicking on one of the banners on the right side of the page
Fill in the required form and click “send”.

Step 2. In response you will receive an e-mail with a code to place the tool at the Web site and instructions on how to use the service.

Step 3. After posting the code, simply log into the system to check the answers obtained.

The tool has been prepared in the framework of the project “Skills for the Future” which aim was to support the cooperation between the higher education institutions and businesses through adaptation of the best practices in cooperation as well as design and implementation of appropriate strategies for this cooperation.

For detailed information please contact the Polish partner office, Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy, Ms Paulina Bednarz, phone no: +48 22 630 98 04, e-mail:


⇒ Poniedziałek, 26 września 2011 r.

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⇒ Wtorek, 19 października 2010 r.

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